Each of us is Beloved of God.
We experience, teach, and seek to live out the reality that God’s love is the bedrock of our relationship with God. We did nothing to earn that love and we can do nothing to lose it. We celebrate God’s love for all and recognize the grace and scandal of God’s love, even for our enemies or people with whom we disagree.
From the solid foundation of God’s love, we step into the world seeking to embody Christ in the world, offering ourselves to be instruments of God’s love to our neighbors. This love is manifested when we serve others and gather in community. This love is also manifested when we work to change the injustice and inequity we see around us. Everything is grounded in that love.
We believe in Jesus.
We experience Jesus as the form God took so we could know and understand God. We believe that Jesus was all divine and all human.
In Jesus, not only do we see and know God, but we also are assured that God understands and cares for us, no matter what we have done or left undone, no matter what we are going through. We believe that through his suffering, death, resurrection and ascension Jesus frees us from the power of sin, heals our infirmities, frees us from slavery, and welcome us home from exile. Jesus is our brother.
We believe in the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit leads us into all truth. The Spirit spoke through prophets and sages, and lives in each of us, in us as a community. The Holy Spirit is God at work in the world and in the Church even now. The Spirit guides us to know God and gives us eyes to see God in others.