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Ministry Teams

To get involved with any of our ministry teams, please use the contact form, and specify which ministry in the message section. You will be contacted with more information.

Altar Guild

The Altar Guild prepares all things necessary for the celebration of the Eucharist or other sacraments and offices of the church, thus enhancing the worship experience for the entire congregation. In addition to Sunday services, it is our joy and privilege to serve for special services during Christmas and Lent as well as weddings and celebrations of life. At St. Simon’s, we collaborate with the Green Team to create a welcoming environment and provide special decorations. We believe all of these activities to be a direct and meaningful expression of our mission statement; to celebrate God’s love for all and embody Christ in the world.  



Making a joyful noise has brought joy and fellowship to our community. Piano and organ are both used in our regular worship. Going forward, we hope to build and grow as a ministry, to continue offering musical leadership for our Sunday services, and to expand and enrich our community.


St. Simon's members and guests read the first and second lessons and the prayers of the people during worship services. Readers can participate in the church or on Zoom or Facebook  from anywhere! We have had readers join us from all over the country. Anyone can do this!  

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Crucifers and Acolytes

Crucifers & Acolytes are the names given to those who assist the celebrant during the service. The main role of the crucifer is to carry the cross in processions. Acolytes help prepare the bread and wine for communion among other duties.

Tech Production Team

The Tech Production Team (TPT) plays a key behind the scenes role in hyflex worship and adult formation, working closely with our staff to enable the St. Simon’s community to celebrate together on Sundays, whether you are online, on the phone, or in person.  Training is available, and we would be thrilled to have you join us to spread the word of the Lord.

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Welcome Team

Whatever the reason you decide to connect to a faith community, be it online or in-person, it takes a lot of courage to make the first step. With that in mind, the Welcome Ministry wishes to make the next steps as effortless as possible. As a team, we are looking to invite new faces, and introduce them to the wonderful congregation that is St. Simon's. We also want to intentionally connect with those people who we may not have seen lately and remind them that we are here for them. Part of our mission is to introduce people to the various ministries that are available at our church. At St. Simon's there are so many different interests, and ways to get involved, we hope to engage our guests in more opportunities as they grow to know us.


 You may remember the first friendly face you encountered at St. Simon's. . . it was likely an usher! First impressions are often remembered, and a warm welcome makes all the difference. Being an usher at St. Simon's is a great way to serve if you like in-person worship. Greeting people as they enter, helping them find their way around the church, and assisting in the flow of folks to the communion rail are all part of the job. It's a fantastic way to get to know faces and names, and requires little prep time.

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Parish Life

Parish Life helps us connect with each other, enjoy time together, have fun, and build a supportive community. Hosting and preparing events such as receptions, suppers and various outdoor activities is our mission. We celebrate God’s love for everyone by knowing each other and getting to know our neighbors. As we know each other better, we learn to trust each other and know how best to support and pray for each other.

Buildings and Grounds

Buildings and Grounds is responsible for overseeing or performing all property maintenance, repair activities, and building improvements to ensure the facilities sufficiently serve the congregation and the community at large. Recent projects included the expansion of the columbariums in the Memorial Garden, landscaping improvements, the development of a plan to plant new trees, and plans to upgrade the kitchen facilities.

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Caring Ministries

The Caring Ministries Team is the heart of providing care for one another within the parish through the following:

  • "Helping Hands" provides practical assistance to parishioners who are in need because of illness or other situations. Helping Hands may bring meals, shop for groceries, or help with errands.

  • "Lay Eucharistic Visitors" take communion to parishioners who are unable to come to church because of illness or disability.

  • "Caring Connections" extend the fellowship and love of the community to those who are unable to attend in person through visits, calls, notes, and cards.

  • Pastoral Care is spiritual care for those who are struggling, being present with them during times of pain and sorrow, praying with those in times of crisis. Rev. Jenny Hulen is an experienced priest and chaplain who walks with us in these life changing moments with sensitivity, compassion, and insight and helps us to experience God’s love and care.

Green Team

In cooperation with Faith in Place and Interfaith Green Partners, the St. Simon's Green Team strives to provide opportunities to connect with nature and God's beautiful creation. Activities include hosting movies about the wonders of nature, fundraising for victims of environmental injustice, participating in workshops that support the health of the earth, cooperating with fellow houses of worship to help people in need, and co-organizing events that celebrate the care of the earth and its people. Additionally, the lovely Giving Gardens that were created by our local Boy Scout Troop, provide nourishment to our fellow humans as Green Team members sow, tend, and care for the plants that produce food for the needy.

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Outreach Ministries

St. Simon's well-supported outreach team plans various activities to help our community. We sponsor delivery of breakfast and lunch boxes to PADS guests housed at local hotels. During the summer months, we coordinate Grab-n-Go Summer Suppers. A hot meal is provided to the underserved in the community once a month. Guests drive up in cars and are given a take-away of a warm protein, fruit, drink, veggie, dessert.  At the holidays, we provide Christmas gifts to the needy through the Revive Foundation. Other activities include Amnesty International letter writing campaigns, coat drives, support of Feed My Starving Children, and brown bag lunch assembly.

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